Sunday, June 2, 2013

29 Weeks

Baby is the size of an acorn squash.
  • She's getting a little cramped in there, since she's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • She's growing white fat deposits under her skin, and her energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.
This has been a good week.  We got to visit with Matt's mom, dad, three sisters and their babies for Memorial Day weekend.  Mindy brought us a ton of her daughter's hand me down clothes and toys for our baby when she arrives.  We are very appreciative of that!  It was great to see all the babies as they are now 7 and 10 months old already.  They grow so fast.  We went shopping and Mom Focht bought the baby some new clothes.  We had a very fun weekend.

As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I have been getting tired a bit more easily from things like walking around shopping for a couple hours or doing a ton of housework in one day.  I'm still working on putting together the nursery...just waiting on some finishing touch up with the paint and then we'll put the crib together.  It's coming together nicely as we add more things for baby girl.  

She has really been punching and kicking me, especially near the ribs.  I haven't had any really painful kicks yet, but sometimes I feel extremely uncomfortable when she is moving around, getting into a different position.  Sometimes it makes it hard for me to catch my breath.  Also I can really tell when she is near my bladder because it gives me a sudden urge to urinate or a weird tingly feeling.

As far as aches and pains, my pubic bone was really sore off and on for a couple days this week.  My lower back on the right side is really stiff off and on.  Still no stretch marks and I still have an innie belly button.  Heartburn wasn't nearly as bad this week, and acne is still gone.  Yay!  I have noticed that my body has decided that it needs to store excess fat in my legs and butt (up to 27 lbs all together).  I'm not a fan of this, but it will give me an even better reason to get back in shape after baby arrives.

I had a doctor's appointment Tuesday with Dr. Guy.  He said everything is looking great and "she is really growing now".  He is very encouraging and such a good Christian influence.  I wanted to make sure that too much work-related stress would not be harmful to me or the baby and he reassured me that mental stress does not really cause problems with baby's health.  He reminded me to pray always and post some scriptures around my desk to stay focused during the work day.  What an awesome guy!  Now my check up appointments will be every two weeks. 

 Not much else to update on this week.  Looking forward to hitting the next big milestone of 30 weeks for my next update!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Sounds like a great doctor for you. Glad to hear some encouragement in that area.
