Sunday, June 9, 2013

30 Weeks

Baby is the size of a cucumber.  (Not sure how this is a logical comparison.  Maybe the length?  She certainly weights for than one.)

  •  Her skin is getting smoother.
  • But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Wow, what a milestone to have reached for this pregnancy.  30 weeks have gone by since we conceived our baby, and now she only has ten weeks or less to cook until we get to meet her!  I'm pretty excited to be at this point, and I am definitely ready to be holding a sweet bundle of joy in my arms.

SYMPTOMS:  I have been struck by the third trimester exhaustion pregnant women talk about.   I can go to bed early, fall asleep in five seconds, sleep off and on all night, and wake up and feel like I need a nap already.  I get tired doing easy things like going for a walk or doing dishes.  I take naps whenever I feel like it because well, I just can't keep my eyes open.  I blame this is partly on pregnancy but I'm sure it can mostly be blamed on the exhausting work schedule I have had the past two weeks.  By the end of the work day, I am ready to rest in the recliner for the remainder of the evening, then go to bed.  I have not really had any other symptoms other than increased discharge and sore ribs. The nausea has come back once in a while and I even had a random throw up one night (I do not miss that and I hope it is not back to stay until the end).  I did not gain any weight this week.

NURSERY PROGRESS:  The painting is finally done!  Wow, it only took a month to do it and we will never paint another room again but I'm so glad it's done.  I love the color.  The crib and bedding are all put together and looking beautiful.  I did some organizing of all the things Matt's sister brought over and put light switch covers back on.  I also bought two drawer bins for the changing table from Target.  It's coming together.  I will post more pictures as it looks more like a nursery.

APPOINTMENTS:  I did not have any appointments this week.  My next check up and ultrasound is this coming Tuesday.

UPCOMING EVENTS:  This next will be exciting because we have a doctor's appointment, our 4 year anniversary, and two baby showers before the week ends.  Can't wait!

 A progression picture.  20 weeks was the only week I missed taking photos in the sun room, but I still found a bump picture my Mom took when she was here visiting that weekend.  It goes from tiny, to noticeable, to huge. It's fun to look back on pre-pregnancy pictures.  Makes me feel like I was pretty skinny even if I felt fat back then.

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