Saturday, April 20, 2013

23 Weeks

Baby is the size of a grapefruit
what's going on in there?
Her face is fully formed now -- she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.
She's listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.

maternity clothes? 

Still wearing my Old Navy maternity jeans and my roomy shirts that I wore pre-pregnancy.  My regular scrubs are getting too tight now, so I've pretty much switched over to all the bigger scrubs my friend loaned me.  Even though I feel like a huge blimp in some of the tops, they are way more comfortable than my more fitted scrubs.

stretch marks? 

None yet.
*knocks on wood*
Still slathering on lotion every day after my shower.


Oh, the movement this week!  On Monday, I was enjoying the lovely day by sitting out in the sun room.  I had my hands propped on my belly and all of a sudden, I felt a KICK!  It was so awesome and I was not expecting it at all.  She proceeded to kick a few more times near my ribs on the right side.  I feel the biggest kicks there, but I also feel her squirming low most of the time.

food cravings? 

Strawberries!  I could eat them all day.  My craving for cheese has
disappeared died down.

 weight gain?

15 pounds so far
anything making you queasy or sick? 
Nothing anymore! As I finish off my plate of homemade mini donuts.  Yummy!

what I miss? 

Warm weather!  We had a few nice days, but now it's back to a chilly weekend.  I'm ready to start wearing cute, comfy dresses that show off my bump.  Hard to do that when I keep having to get my winter coat back out of the closet.

Nope! I'm so so happy to be over with that stage.


My acne has cleared up this week! Crossing my fingers it stays this way?
Lower back stiffness.
Feeling big and heavy!

labor signs? 

Not yet.  Although when I went for a walk the other night, my belly was really tensing up.  It was fine after I slowed down the pace.



belly button in or out?

In. No changes there. But my belly certainly looks harrier than normal.  Weird.

wedding rings on or off? 

On.  No problems there, but when it gets hot, my fingers always swell so that should be interesting this summer.


Still find myself waking up on my back (though I should be sleeping on my side always) but I'm using a squishy body pillow that I sorta wrap around my front and back to get a little more comfortable. 

what I'm looking forward to? 

Getting the nursery underway.  Poor Matt is so busy with work right now, so getting baby things ready is not exactly at the top of his priority list when he has a day off to relax.  I would love to paint the nursery and buy/assemble the crib in the next month or so.

other updates? 

We registered at Target!  They had so many cute girly things there.  Matt even saw a few things he liked for our little girl.  It was fun to make a list of things we liked.


 My next visit is Thursday for another ultrasound and monthly checkup.


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