Friday, August 16, 2013

Due Date - 40 Weeks

Baby is the size of a jackfruit.

  • She's continuing to grow hair and nails.
  • And she's keeping up that lung development, too.

 Well, in my heart I was hoping there would not be a week 40 blog update, but here we are!
This week was my first week of maternity leave.
The first couple days were fun. I got lots of things done around the house.
But by the end of the week, I was bored and exhausted. 
It takes a lot of energy sitting around waiting for something to happen, you know?

We had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.
I am now dilated to 2 centimeters and 60% effaced.
While she was doing the exam, I asked to have her sweep the membranes if my cervix was favorable, so she did.  Not much happened that day other than a tiny bit of spotting.
About 24 hours after the sweep, I lost my mucus plug.
Since then, not much has been happening other than changes in cervical mucus.
Still having lots of fun Braxton Hicks contractions.
Still having a tough time sleeping.  The other night I tried to sleep in the recliner for half the night.
That wasn't even comfortable so I've decided that sleep is for the birds.
 I'm still not sure if she's "dropped" because I don't look much different, but all I can say is walking hurts.  My pubic bone and hips feel like they are going to just break.
I'm trying to go for a walk or two every day.
Now that Matt took off work today for "due day", I'm sure nothing will happen and we will just wait around all weekend for something to happen.
Then Monday...after Matt has gone back to work, she will decide that is the right time. :-)

Every night, I go to bed hoping that my water will break during the night.
She is just so comfortable in there!
Come out soon, Kyla!

Love, your uncomfortable, sleep deprived Mommy

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