Sunday, July 7, 2013

34 Weeks

At 34 weeks, she's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! She may find them soothing after birth.)  

Baby is the size of a butternut squash.

Happy 4th of July!

This was another great week, mostly due to the fact that I only worked for two days total so that was nice to have some down time to relax.

I have been super tired lately.  It seems that just taking a shower and putting my makeup on for the day is a task anymore, not to mention shaving my legs.  That just doesn't happen very often anymore.  I would say it's close to the exhaustion I felt in the beginning of the pregnancy, but now it's not as comfortable to take naps on the couch because, well, there's a huge bowling ball on my front side.

It's hot! It's humid! I'm staying inside 99% of the time and thank the Lord for air conditioning in the summer.  The sad thing is this summer has not even been as hot as it normally is but it still feels unbearable.  As long as I can still get in an evening walk, that's about all the time I need to spend out there.

Not a whole lot of new symptoms this week.
I have gained a total of 32.5 pounds. I think that's about all I need to gain, but I've read that the baby is putting on lots of weight right now so more poundage is inevitable. 

I only had a few Braxton Hicks contractions a couple weeks ago, but as of now, I haven't had any other signs of my body preparing me for labor.  Baby is still up very high and in my ribs.  No signs of her dropping yet.

We still need to get a few more things for the nursery so we might be making a run to Target soon to spend some gift cards that are burning a hole in my pocket.

It will be time to install the car seat in a couple weeks as well as start packing a little hospital bag.
These are signs that the end is near and we will be holding our baby girl in no time.

Countdown:  40 days til estimated arrival!

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