Friday, May 10, 2013

26 Weeks

Baby is the size of a head of lettuce.
  • Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open.
  • And her eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
Week 26.
Not too eventful really!
I have been feeling a lot more pregnancy symptoms.  The lovely list includes heartburn, acid reflux, back ache, big, heavy, tired, out of breath, and just uncomfortable in general.  I was really hoping these symptoms wouldn't start until much later, but I guess my body had other plans.  I know I will only feel more uncomfortable the further the pregnancy gets, but man!  Who knew tying my shoes would be a daunting task at 26 weeks pregnant?  Just focusing on the exciting things like my face being almost acne-free still and feeling the baby move around like crazy!  One of my friends from work even got to feel her kick this week, but Matt still hasn't felt a strong kick- just some trembles.

I bought some new maternity shirts and a new bra from Target this week.  I was getting so tired of my one maternity tank top, so I gave in and bought some new clothes.  I hated spending the money on it, but I know it will make me feel more comfortable than squeezing into my pre-pregnancy shirts.

I ordered the crib this week.  It should be delivered by next week!

We are painting the nursery this weekend!  I also worked more on my name project for above the crib.  The letters are up on the wall, but just need a few more details.

People are getting excited to celebrate the baby as a few people have been asking about and planning showers for me lately.  So thankful to have people in my life that are excited for this little one.

We have planned a trip to Illinois at the end of June.  Activities will include a small baby shower with family, getting maternity photos taken, and of course spending time with my sissy who will be stateside.

Here is the belly difference in ten weeks.  Starting to really stick out there!  I have been told I'm carrying  high, which I tend to agree.  She definitely likes to hang out about as high as my uterus goes, I'm pretty sure!

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