Friday, February 22, 2013

15 Weeks

Baby is the size of an orange.
It's hard to believe my baby is the size of an orange!  Of course by the time it's the size of a cantelope, I might be wishing it was back to this size.

This week we did not end up going to the doctor yet due to a conflict in Matt's work schedule, but we are set to go in on Monday morning.  I am looking forward to it.

As far as symptoms go, I am sad to report that my morning sickness came back - but mostly in the evenings.  Not sure if this is just due to a growth spurt or what, but I liked the couple weeks where the nausea went away.

I have also been having nose bleeds.  Not really a full on bleed, but there is a large amount of blood in the tissue when I blow my nose.  I have been a little congested, as well.

I'm still having hunger pangs and have a hard time determining whether I need food or need to throw up.  So my remedy is to just be eating constantly so I don't feel anything.  Haha!  Speaking of getting fat, I have gained a total of 4 pounds so far.  Not bad!

A coworker of mine is due with her first baby a month before me, and she just found out the gender this week.  That was very exciting and made me feel like this is a bit more real.

No real cravings or aversions to food this week besides a dire need for carbonated beverages.  I can't tell you how good a fountain Pepsi or Coke tastes sometimes.  Mmm...

I haven't felt any movement or flutters yet, but when I lay down at night I try really hard to see if I feel anything.  I can't wait til that happens!

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