The android market FINALLY got with the program and came out with the INSTRAGRAM app. For all of us non-cool iPhone's a happy day. (If you don't know what Instagram is (Mom?) it is a social media app on your phone that allows you to take and edit photos and post them for your friends to see.)

So without further ado, here is my week in Instagram pics.

Frosted cupcake is my FAVORITE candle from Bath and Body Works. Nothing like having the whole house smell like I'm slaving away in the kitchen, baking up something spectacular.

Cookie desperately needed a grooming. His hair was completely covering his eyes!

Here is my baby after his hair cut on Saturday. He is so cute all shaved down. He also tends to be extra cuddly after he gets shaved. Adjusting to being cold without his wooly coat?

Surprise cupcakes. Chocolatey goodness with a surprise center. Is your mouth watering yet?

Last but certainly not least, roses from my sweetie. Nothing beats coming home to a dozen roses on the table, just because. Not Valentine's day, not our anniversary, not even because he was trying to get out of the doghouse for something. For no other reason than expressing his appreciation of me. I love him!

So without further ado, here is my week in Instagram pics.

Frosted cupcake is my FAVORITE candle from Bath and Body Works. Nothing like having the whole house smell like I'm slaving away in the kitchen, baking up something spectacular.

Cookie desperately needed a grooming. His hair was completely covering his eyes!

Here is my baby after his hair cut on Saturday. He is so cute all shaved down. He also tends to be extra cuddly after he gets shaved. Adjusting to being cold without his wooly coat?

Surprise cupcakes. Chocolatey goodness with a surprise center. Is your mouth watering yet?

Last but certainly not least, roses from my sweetie. Nothing beats coming home to a dozen roses on the table, just because. Not Valentine's day, not our anniversary, not even because he was trying to get out of the doghouse for something. For no other reason than expressing his appreciation of me. I love him!

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