Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Banana Crumb Muffins

You can't really go wrong with muffins, in my opinion.  They are the perfect breakfast to start the day or a great afternoon pick me up when your belly's rumbling.  Or a sweet dessert, for that matter!

So today, I picked a recipe from All Recipes.  

Hello, heavenly deliciousness!

The recipe has a five star rating and over 7,000 comments!  I just had to try it out myself.

Because the recipe calls for three bananas and I only had two, I added about 1/3 cup applesauce for extra moisture.  I also added a tsp of vanilla, a pinch of nutmeg, and a tsp of cinnamon to the batter.

Still loving my Christmas present.

Make sure to spray the pan with cooking spray or else these will be hard to get out of the pan without a huge ugly mess.

Fill up the pan with the batter, then top them off with the butter/cinnamon sugar mix.

Pop em in the oven.  At 375 degrees, I baked them for 17 minutes.  They could have come out at 15 or 16, but you learn as you go how hot your own oven is.

Hot out of the oven!  Try not to eat them yet...

These turned out so pretty!

Come on over and share them with me before I over-indulge. 

Happy Wednesday!

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