So what do you think of the new me?
Just kidding!!
I finally did it. I went and got my nose pierced. I finally got up the courage (and husband's approval) to go forth with it after two years of contemplating. And I am so happy with it!!

So first I'd like to share reactions from my closest friends and family.
Mom: "Cute. Maybe I'll get one." (Sarcasm?)
Sister: "hahahaha wow. Nothing says "forever young" like a nose piercing."
Husband: "Happy 25th birthday sweetie. By the way, you have something on your nose..."
Coworkers: "Cute!! Did it hurt?"
Boss: "I can't believe you did this. Why why why?? I can't believe you didn't warn me about this. You just went and did it. I can't believe you did this to yourself."
Grandma: Nothing. Because she does not need to know about this. She might possibly have a heart attack.
Questions answered below.
Did it hurt?
It hurt when the needle punctured the skin. It made my eyes tear up and my natural reaction was to squeeze my eyes shut because of the split second of intense pain. But after the "pinch", it didn't hurt at all after that.
Where did you get it done?
I went to Blue Byrd Tattoo in downtown Dayton. It was what I imagined it to be: a typical tattoo parlor with quite an interesting crowd. The guy who did mine was really cool and helpful. He assured me that he had done "thousands" of nose piercings before me, so I felt like I was in good hands.

What made you wanna do it???
Well, I have always thought it would look cool with a little sparkly stud on my nose ever since I had some close friends get theirs done a few years ago. Many people get their ears pierced (myself included) and some people get other things pierced. It is all about what you think looks good. The only thing stopping me from getting it done sooner was my silly husband who needed time to get used to the idea. For some reason, he thought I would be very unattractive if I had one, but he finally changed his mind.
After having it for two weeks now, I am still happy that I did it. I will be even more excited when I can change it to a crystal sparkly stud (they were out of clear ones, so I went for a light pink).
I am such a rebel. What will I do next??? :-)

I think it's super cute. I have wanted one for years but never did it because I thought bosses wouldn't like it. Now that I'm my own boss, I'm contemplating doing it for my 28th bday. Lol
ReplyDeletelol that's awesome steph! i'd say go for it. ;-)