Kyla Rose is TWO years old!
Up to this point in her life, Kyla has been a rather cautious, calm girl. But recently, she has started acting, well, like a two year old. She likes to run around and scream and play. All. Day. Long! It keeps mama very busy, especially while trying to take care of the new baby as well. The only time she is not running around destroying the house is when she is glued to the TV or iPad watching her favorite shows, Peppa Pig and Bubble Guppies.
Everything is a battle with a toddler, especially when it comes to eating. Kyla's favorite foods include peanut butter, carrots, cookies, smoothies, applesauce, pretzels, and fruit snacks. She is obsessed with her "milky" and drinks a sippy cup full when she gets up in the morning, one when she gets up from her nap, and a bit right before bed. The rest of the day, her cup is filled with watered down juice or just water. For breakfast, we usually have scrambled eggs, pop tarts, cereal, or waffles. Lunch includes chicken nuggets, pb&j, quessadilla, etc. and then we always put a little of whatever we are eating for dinner on her plate (most of the time she won't even touch it)
This is our typical schedule when we are home.
9:30 - Get up for the day, get dressed, change diaper, go to kitchen to get milk
10:00 - Eat breakfast
10:30 - 12:30 - Play time. Most days we go out in the sunroom and play with the blocks or do puzzles in the living room or play with the little kitchen and read books in Kyla's room.
12:45 - Lunch time
1:30 - Nap time!
4:00 - Up from nap, more milk and a snack while we watch Peppa Pig.
5:00 - Mom starts getting dinner ready while Kyla plays
6:00 - Dinner
6:30-8:00 - Play time with Daddy. They usually go run around in the yard, read books, and finish the evening by watching an episode of Bubble Guppies together.
8-8:30 - Get ready for bed. Dad gets her diaper changed and jammies on, brushes teeth, and reads books in Kyla's room, then puts her to bed.
One major change we had recently was switching to Kyla to a big bed. I was very hesitant to change up our routine because Kyla was sleeping so well in her crib. She rarely wakes up at night, and if she does, she talks to herself or turns on her seahorse and falls back asleep. But when Kaiden wouldn't nap that well unless he was in a quiet, dark room, I decided it was time to give him the crib. The first week of the transition, I put the guest bed's queen mattress on Kyla's floor. She only tried to get out of it one time and I saw it on the monitor and told her to lay back down. Ever since then, she doesn't venture off the bed. After a week on the floor, we moved the bed frame into her room and she was good to go! I have a large body pillow along the edges of the bed that don't touch the wall so it gives her a barrier so she won't fall off as easily. I have been very happy with the transition! Sometimes, she even asks if she can go back to bed!
Kyla can count to 20, with a little help, 10 by herself.
Can recognize about half of the letters and most of the numbers.
Sings ABC's like this. A B C D E F G. H I WX Y and Z!
Sings "Crinkle crinkle little star"
Says "Kay-nen" for Kaiden
Helps the baby by ripping his blanket off and saying "Why you cryin baby?"
Can easily navigate her games and shows on the iPad.
Recognizes TONS of different animal pictures. (Thanks to playing with Nana)
Knows most colors and all the basic shapes, square, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, heart, star.
Asks for "mystic" for music and likes to dance.
Loves to play ring around the rosie.
Swinging at the park is her favorite.
Loves seeing pictures and videos of herself and other kids.
Reads books to herself in her own language.
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