Friday, January 15, 2016

Kaiden - 6 Months

Kaiden is 6 months old!

I have to say that being this boy's mama just makes my heart explode.  He is perfect and just being around him makes me happy.  His nick name is "smiley" because well, all you have to do is look at him and he will give you a big gummy grin. The kid is more ticklish than any kid I've seen.  The only time he is unpleasant is when he is tired, which is great for me because I know exactly when it's time for a nap or bedtime.

Speaking of sleep, lets start off talking about that.  Here is a typical day in the life of Kaiden.

9:00 am - Awake for the day
9:00-11:30 - nurse, change diaper, get dressed (sometimes) and play on a blanket in the floor, in the walker, or the exersaucer and watch big sister play and run around.
11:30 - nap time in crib
12:15-12:30 - awake from nap and nurse
12:30-2:30 - play some more, watch some baby einstein tv, watch Kyla and I eat our lunch
2:30 - afternoon nap
3:15-3:30 - awake from nap, nurse
3:30 - 5:30 - more play time
5:30 - cat nap of about 30 minutes, if he will even go down
6:00 - family dinner time, Kaiden usually sits in the exersaucer in the kitchen
8:00 - start getting ready for bed, nurse, get into jammies, read a book, sing a song, then to bed!
Kaiden does not believe in sleeping through the night.  In fact, he prefers to be in his crib at night as little as possible.  He goes down around 8:30 in his crib and sleeps until the moment our heads hit the pillow around 11:00.  Then he sleeps with us until about 3-4 am, then I put him in his swing to sleep the remaining 5 hours.  It is quite the game of musical sleep chairs.  Its working for us for now, but I don't imagine I will be able to get much sleep for long with him in our bed because he is getting bigger and being more wiggly.

For the past month or so, we have been trying various baby food, baby cereal and oatmeal, and a few fresh foods in the mesh feeder.  The first couple times I fed him oatmeal, he loved it.  But after the first couple times, he has refused to eat it.  He squeezes his lips together so hard and I cannot even wiggly the spoon in there to force him.  Haha! I suppose in time, he will eat.  I hope I won't be breastfeeding him when he goes to kindergarten...

Kaiden is in size 3 diapers, size 9 month clothes.  At his 6 month appointment, he weighed 16 lbs 10 oz and was about 27 inches long.  He has his bottom front two teeth and those came in at about 5.5 months.  I feel like he's always "teething" because of the amount of drool he has.  Between spitting up and drool, he has to be wearing a bib at all times when he is awake.  It is soaked most of the time and I have to put a new one on after each nap.

Currently, Kaiden likes to blow bubbles, make funny noises, squeal, and say DaDa over and over.  He reaches for everything and he loves playing with and chewing on the strings of hoodies.  Another thing that's really funny is that he lays on the floor on his back and does a sort of "pelvic thrust" move.

Kaiden doesn't really like a pacifier anymore.  He doesn't suck his thumb either.  I"m trying to get him to like this little blankie lion, but he doesn't show much attachment to it yet.

He can sit up (assisted) or on his own for a while before he falls over.  He rolls over, but once he gets to his stomach, he doesn't remember how to roll back over very well and gets stuck.  He is liking being on his tummy more, especially if I put him in front of Kyla's play house while she's in it.  He just loves watching everything she does.

I think that about wraps up this 6 month update!  I hope to add pictures sometime but I wanted to at least get this posted while I had time!  

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