Monday, June 30, 2014

10 Months

I just realized I never posted a 10 month update!! 
Kyla has really made some cognitive leaps and bounds this month.

She can now...
pull up, usually just to her knees
play peek-a-boo
mimic sounds like "sss", gasping for air, and lip smacking sounds

She is in a size 3 diaper and size 12 clothes.

Kyla is eating like a champ.  She is becoming more cautious about trying new things and wants to pick up everything herself to put it in her mouth.  She is doing great at drinking from a sippy cup now.  We are still nursing usually 4 times a day and having 3 meals of baby food or little bites of whatever I am having.  Puffs are still her favorite snack. She is taking two naps a day, each lasting about an hour.  She goes to bed around 8:00 and wakes up at 6:45.  (Sometimes she goes back to sleep for a little bit but more so these days, she wants to be up for the day.  Yikes!)

She is learning so much right now!  Recently, we went on vacation to Arizona and it seems like she has learned so much just in the past couple weeks.  Nana would "talk" to Kyla in the backseat as we drove around on vacation.  I think that's where Kyla's new skills started...

I was quite surprised to walk in Kyla's room after a nap to see her STANDING UP in her crib!! It was so cute the first couple times, but she had a rough time adjusting to her new skill as she would not want to lay down for naps or bedtime.  Instead, she would stand up over and over again until I left her in there to figure out how to get down by herself.  (Not sure how she did it, probably just fell down when she got too tired...)  Now that the novelty has worn off, she will go down for a nap but still cries more than usual.  It's so funny all the little phases babies go through...

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