Thursday, July 31, 2014

11 Months

Here we are at 11 months.  Matt and I were just talking about is it possible that she just went from being able to sit up by herself to crawling all over the place?  Our baby is growing up and soon enough, she will be walking on her own.  That blows my mind.  We are now in full on preparation mode for her FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!

Here is our typical schedule.
7:00 wake up, nurse
8-10:30 play out in the sun room with her walker, blocks, and box of toys
9:30 breakfast - either oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, yogurt, fruit, anything really.  She even likes eggs now!
10:30 morning nap
12:30 wake up and nurse
1:00 lunch - cheese, squeezable baby food packet, Cheerios, grilled cheese, grapes, strawberries, peas, about anything really
3:30 afternoon nap
4:30 wake up and nurse
6:00 supper - bites of whatever we are eating
7:30 bedtime routine begins. Dad reads her stories while she nurses
8:00 in her crib asleep

Current weight: 20 lbs

Diapers: size 3, but starting to have leaks so I think its time to go to size 4

Clothes:  all size 12 months now.  She had a ton of 9 month summer clothes that she is now outgrowing, so I had to make a trip to Once Upon a Child to get her some new outfits.

Skills:  Crawling all over the house like crazy.  Pulling up on everything.  Says dada, mama, hi, cook (for Cookie!)  Speaking of Cookie, Kyla's favorite game is to play with Cookie's squeaky toy.  It is so cute to see them play together.  So far, he is tolerating her pretty well.  
She can clap, wave, play peek a boo, open cabinets, hand me things, and mimic noises.

We are working on moving her up to a bigger car seat now.  She is just getting too big for her little bucket seat, and we never actually get it out of the car to carry her somewhere.  Too heavy for that!

I just wanted to document this as well so when I look back, I can remember.  This month, Kyla is more likely to be comforted by rocking instead of nursing.  For some reason, this makes me so happy.  I absolutely love rocking her while she lays her head on my chest.  The bad thing is lately I have been getting up to rock her if she wakes up at 5:45 instead of just letting her cry.  Now that she's older, her cry is not just a whimper.  It is a full on scream and I absolutely hate listening to that.  

Sickness:  This month Kyla caught a cold.  I think it was probably from being in the nursery at church because when I dropped her off, two other babies had runny noses.  She also had hand, foot, and mouth disease.  She ran a low fever and was extremely irritable for two days, then the third day she broke out in a rash of red bumps on her feet, hands, legs, and bottom.  It looked horrible, but she didn't seem to be too bothered  by it now.  The nurse said it usually lasts about 10 days and there's no treatment for it.  I know that she got it from another baby at church because he just got over it.  Apparently its highly contagious among children.  

See you next month for the big ONE year update!

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