Wednesday, May 21, 2014

9 Months

Time for Kyla's 9 month update!

New skills:
biting (now has 2 upper front teeth that came in this month)
pulling up to knees
saying Dada
eating all kinds of new food
sleeping through the night
drinking more from a sippy cup
feeding herself
having her teeth brushed
sitting by herself on toys
first cold

Breakfast: half a banana, a quarter of a waffle, bits of pancakes, etc.
Lunch: 1 jar of Beech Nut baby food.  We've tried all kinds and she likes everything except squash.
Dinner:  Bites of whatever we are eating and/or applesauce

She still snacks on puffs and I give her a sippy cup of water to go with all her meals.
She is still nursing when she wakes up, after each nap, and right before bed.

Up for the day at 8
Nap at 11
Nap at 3
Down for the night at 8:30
She sticks to this schedule pretty consistently these days unless we are out and about.  

Size 3 diapers and size 9-12 month clothes

Favorite toys:
Still loves the little blue Bear laptop
Pulling all her little toys out of a basket and throwing them on the floor
Dumping out blocks from a tub
Walking backwards in the walker
Still loves the exersaucer
Anything crunchy like the wipes container, water bottles, etc.

Nana and Pop came to visit for Easter!

Sitting up on the rocking horse

Playing with her favorite friend...

This was a great month for Mom and Dad because Kyla finally started consistently sleeping through the night at about 8 1/2 months.  It was the moment we've been waiting for.  I still can't believe its happening, but she goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until Dad gets up around 6:45.  Then she nurses and sleeps with me until about 8 most days.  It is so so nice.  I love that she can finally go back to sleep when she wakes up during the night, and I also love our cuddle time in the early morning.  

Practicing sleeping through the night

Sleeping angel

I don't feel like there's a whole lot to update on this month.  She is still not really interested in crawling yet.  We spend lots of time playing on the floor while she's on her tummy every day.  If I put her on all fours, she will rock back and forth a bit, then crash onto her belly and whine most of the time.  We are working on it, but I've been told that I need to enjoy this time before she's mobile so that's what I'm trying to do.

One of my favorite pics this month. Just love that smile!

She loves being outside.  Now that the worst winter of all time is finally over, we spend lots of time going to the park, sitting out in the grass with toys, and playing in the sun room.  Nana even gave Kyla a little pool to use this summer so we are looking forward to the hot days.  Mama might need a bigger pool so she can enjoy the water too...

Swinging at the park

Testing out the grass

She thinks stroller rides are so relaxing!

Love that hat! She could sit out in the yard for hours, watching Cookie play.

9 Month stats from doctor appointment coming soon along with 9 month photo shoot!

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