Saturday, April 26, 2014

8 Months

8 Months Old!

Kyla is bubbling with personality now, and I must say there is nothing in the world sweeter than listening to a baby's laugh.
She thinks Cookie is hilarious and laughs if she even sees him walk by.
She is loving ALL kinds of food! We typically give her a little sample of whatever we eat and she loves it.  

8:00 Wake up, nurse
9:00 Breakfast of half a banana
11:00 Morning nap
12:00 Nurse, play
1:00 Lunch of a jar of stage 2 baby food, usually a fruit or veggie
3:00 Afternoon nap
4:00 Nurse, play
6:00 Small nap, usually 30 minutes if she will even go down
7:00 Oatmeal
8:00 Bedtime routine-nurse, story, song, night night!
Still waking up 1-2 x a night to be re-settled in her crib and one early morning feeding around 5.

The "fun" thing about babies is as soon as you get them on a good schedule, you decide to go somewhere for the day or have the grandparents over for the weekend and the whole schedule goes out the window.  I'm sure it's very confusing to a baby.

Another "fun" thing we experienced this month was Kyla's first real cold.  She had a cough, snotty nose, and fever.  For about a week, she did not sleep well at night and she was quite cranky during the day.  I'm so glad she is not in daycare because I don't think I could handle her getting sick too often.  

Kyla is wearing size 9-12 month clothes.
Still in size 3 diapers.
Kyla has 2 teeth breaking through on the top in front.
She can sit up great.
She does not have any interest in crawling.
She can stand while holding onto a short table or toy.
She "tries" to pull up on things but is not quite strong enough yet.
She can walk backwards in her walker.
She can pick up food in her hand, but does not get it into her mouth yet.
She drinks a very small amount of water out of a sippy cup.
She goes to the nursery for Sunday school and church.
She loves her Mama.
We use puffs to keep her happy when we're out in public and she starts to get fussy.
Those things are magical.
She notices and plays with her Seahorse lullaby toy in her crib.
  She cries if she drops a toy she's playing with.
She hates wearing sunglasses.
She is starting to get chubby belly and legs.

As for me, this month I gave up pumping.  I noticed that she was still hungry in the morning after eating on one side so I had to start offering both which left nothing to pump.  I have quite a bit of milk stored in the freezer so I am just using that if I need to leave a bottle with a babysitter or in the nursery at church.  I will also use milk to make her oatmeal.  I've also been working out consistently and eating healthier, which has finally gotten me down to my pre-pregnancy weight.  

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