Wednesday, January 23, 2013

10 Weeks

 Baby is the size of a prune

How far along? 10 (11 by Friday...) Weeks

Total weight gain: Negative 2 due to morning sickness

Maternity clothes? No, but immediately upon getting home at night, I put my sweats on.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep:  Just getting up once a night to go potty, otherwise I'm sleeping quite peacefully.

Best moment this week:  Feeling good for a couple days (no morning sickness!)

Miss Anything? Sitting on the couch without falling asleep.

Movement: Nope
Food cravings: Chocolate milk, juice, fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: Oh yes! The smell of my hairspray, smoke, dog food, vanilla candles, and certain cleaning agents make me nauseous.  Also finding it difficult to drink plenty of water.  Also interesting fact: I am no longer into sweets.  I know, it's weird!!
Gender: Won't find this out for at least 5 more weeks.
Labor Signs: Heck no!

Symptoms: Tired all the time, throwing up about every morning, so cold all the time, just not feeling like myself.  Not to mention the teenager-like acne outbreaks on my face!

 Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Excited and happy! 

Looking forward to: 
Going on vacation the first week of February.  Really hoping I am feeling a lot better, especially because there will be so much delicious food!
Ok so most of these questions are irrelevant being this early in the pregnancy, but I wanted to remember the early days.

1 comment:

  1. Nice update! I would try more cinnamon rolls for the morning sickness. Seemed to work when you visited at Christmas!!
