Friday, January 18, 2013

Announcing...Baby Focht!


I just love saying that.  If you want to hear the story of how we found out, read on.

On December 8th, I was feeling extremely grouchy.  Matt insisted that we go out in the cold, wet weather and trudge around in the mud to get a Christmas tree.  I was not in the Christmas spirit, to say the least.  That was the first moment that I thought hmmm...I could possibly maybe be pregnant!  I don't usually get that crabby around my time of the month.  Not to this extent anyway.  I felt plain ole depressed.  But anyway, we spent the day decorating for Christmas and that was that. 

The next morning was Sunday and I just felt the urge to take a home pregnancy test.  And what did I find?  A very very faint pink line.  I couldn't help myself and ran to show Matt what I had done.  I asked him what he thought and he stared at it for a while.  He then pointed to where he saw where a line "should probably be" and that was it.  I knew it was positive!  So I took a First Response test the next morning and the lines were very dark.  I told Matt he would find out the result by the time he got done getting dressed for work (I had put it in his shoe!) And of course he did not even put his shoes on until five minutes before leaving.  But when he found it, he was so happy!  We both spent the day feeling so many different emotions!  Happy, excited, overwhelmed, nervous, anxious, and surprised.  It was a great day.  We found out we were going to be parents!!!!

We kept the secret to ourselves until my first ultrasound to verify if there was really life growing inside of me.  That week was the longest week of my life, it seemed.  We finally had it verified and I was 5 weeks, 4 days along.  All we could see was a gestational sack and yolk sack.  No baby yet!  But it was a start and we told my sister the early news.  Her reaction?  No, you're not pregnant!  I need to see proof.  Typical....

The next few weeks were kind of a blur with the holidays, traveling, and my first days of morning sickness.  I truly felt like I was dying at first, but now the whole puking thing is becoming easier.   We told Matt's family on Christmas day and they were thrilled.  We told my Mom and Dad the following weekend.  They were speechless as they opened a box that had a helium balloon popped out that was attached to a pair of baby shoes.  They had no clue this Christmas would be so memorable.

I am now 10 weeks along and feeling like I'm finally used to the idea that there is, in fact, a baby inside of me.  I still can't imagine being a mommy, but I am so looking forward to becoming one in August.  I plan to update the blog throughout my pregnancy with belly bump pictures and some type of monthly survey on how things are progressing so that I can remember everything about my first time being pregnant!


  1. Congrats! August babies are pretty awesome!

  2. Congratulations - Such exciting news!

  3. haha! "Her you're not. I need proof" thanks! haha. Yay for blogging :) Why haven't I seen this all pop up on facebook? Not posting it?
