Friday, January 3, 2014

4 Months

Wow I'm super late on this one! But I still want to remember what this month had in store, so here we go!

Kyla had her four month check up and shots on December 18th.

Weight:  13 lbs 2.5 oz.
Length:  25 in. long
Still a long skinny thing!

Diapers: Still in size 2 Target brand. We tried the Parents Choice diapers this month but we were not fans.

Clothes:  She was in size 6-9 month clothes. 

Food:  Still consuming only breast milk.  Pretty proud of myself for making it four months of breastfeeding.  There are times when I just want to quit.  Like when I want Daddy to be able to help more so I can have half an hour to myself or when I'm with friends or family and I have to disappear for a while to feed her in private.  But then I remember 1, formula is expensive and 2, breast milk is the healthiest thing I can provide for her. 

On pumping:  I have gotten into the routine of pumping about 4-6 ounces every morning so I can keep up with my freezer stash.  I am so glad I had a stash in the freezer this month.  I had my ovarian cyst removed and Kyla had to stay with a sitter for a day so that stash came in handy!  I do not really enjoy pumping.  However, a strange part of me feels satisfied when I see the bottle of milk I got out to save for later.  I pump at work 2-3 times a day depending on how long I'm there.  I try to go every 3-4 hours in between sessions, and I usually get between 3-5 ounces per session.  It's kind of awkward because I made one of the spare consult rooms my own little pumping area by covering up the window with paper.  Occasionally someone needs something out of the room, but I have never been walked in on yet.

Milestones:  Great at controlling her head.  She will now sit in the exersaucer and bouncy seat without problems.  She also likes the bumbo seat and still likes laying on her play mat.  She does not attempt to roll over yet.  We are giving her lots of tummy time but she still does not find it enjoyable for more than 10 minutes at a time.  The pediatrician mentioned that Kyla feels a little floppy in her upper body strength.  At her six month appointment, we will see if she has made any improvement.

She loves playing with her toys now.  She will swat at things and reach for toys.  Most of the time she wants to put them in her mouth.  She is really starting to chomp on things, mostly her fingers.  They are almost always in her mouth.  She loves to growl when she's playing!

Sleep:  What's sleep?  Kyla is starting to become quite the fighter when it comes to naps and bedtime.  She will be rubbing her eyes and I just know that she's tired but she cries and cries.  The only thing that seems to calm her down enough to get her to sleep without crying is to nurse.  I am trying not to get into that habit though because then no one will be able to put her down except me and that is just not realistic.  We have been putting her down for the night between 9-10.  As the month went on, she started getting up more and more during the night.  At the beginning, she would sleep straight through until about 5-6.  She would feed and then go back to sleep until about 9-10.  But as the month went on, she started waking up earlier and was no longer comforted by her pacifier enough to go back to sleep.  I'm hoping this is just a phase and she will start being able to self soothe enough to fall back asleep on her own soon.

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