Monday, November 18, 2013

3 Months

I've decided that each new month of my baby's life is my new "favorite age".  
Now that she is three months old, she is starting to be a real tiny person with her own personality.

She is starting to exceed the basic necessities of hunger and fatigue.
Now, her cry might mean "I'm lonely."  or "Hold me".  

She is sleeping through the night.  She goes to bed at 10:00 pm (because that's when Mom and Dad try to go to bed, too) and wakes up between 7:00-8:00. 

She takes several cat naps throughout the day, but I put her in her crib for a morning nap and an afternoon nap, each lasting anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

She is still sleeping in her bassinet of the pack and play next to our bed, but her legs are getting too long for it.  I'm thinking about transitioning her to her crib soon, but Daddy is not ready to admit that she is ready for that quite yet.

She is primarily breast fed with an occasional pumped bottle when we are out and about.  

I am back at work one or two days a week now, so she is now going to a babysitter sometimes.

She is cooing and talking up a storm these days, especially when she is doing tummy time on her boppy.

She is wearing size 2 Target diapers and wears 6-9 month clothes. (I'm guessing she weights around 12 pounds now, but her next doctor's visit will not be until December.)

All around, she is a happy, easy going baby.  Last Sunday at church, she slept on my lap for most of the sermon then laid quietly in her car seat for the rest of the service.  She is definitely starting to sleep less when we are out to eat or in public.  She is no longer happy just sleeping by herself in her car seat if we are eating out.  She wants to be held and face everyone so she can see what's happening.

My favorite thing she does right now is make a little grunt/laugh noise sometimes when I talk to her.  It's especially cute when she has her paci in because you can see her smiling with her eyes.

To see more adorable pictures, follow me on Instagram @ amalialynn

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