Today I would like to reminisce about the first two weeks of being a mom. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Week 1: August 19-25
We spent August 19 and part of the 20th at the hospital making sure that I recovered from the delivery and that Kyla was in good health. We were ready to leave and get home to rest, so we were discharged the afternoon of the 20th. We went home to relax and my parents stayed with us until Wednesday. Matt took the whole week off to help take care of his ladies. He was bored and ready to go back by the end of the week, but he was thankful to spend the time with us. After all, newborns spend most of their time sleeping and eating!
Trying to sleep in her bassinet
Cuddling up with Cookie
The first nights at home were rough. I was very sore and had a hard time juggling my needs and the baby's needs. I was sore everywhere - breasts, back, arms, and down there. It was hard to sit, stand, walk, basically everything took a lot of effort. Matt was still figuring out how he could help. He changed diapers and rocked Kyla to sleep many times the first weeks. He would also help me by getting me a glass of water, the boppy pillow, or handing me the baby when it was feeding time. I remember the first few days and nights, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I spent a lot of time crying the first few days, partly from sleep deprivation and partly from postpartum hormones. I had a hard time relaxing when I went to bed because I just knew the baby would wake up and start stirring, surely needing something from me. I had to practice some deep breaths and that, along with prayer, really helped me get through the first week. The first couple nights, Kyla slept in her bassinet but she did not seem to like it. She would cry every time we put her down. So we decided to set up the Pack and Play that Aunt Krista and Uncle Dan sent us and she liked that much better.

Kyla's bed
Flowers from Lynn and Gpa/Nana
Kyla had her first pediatrician appointment on August 21 with Dr. Mergler at Ohio Pediatrics. She was a very sweet, young doctor. She went over lots of information with us and checked to make sure Kyla was in good health. We also discussed immunizations. Kyla had her heel pricked to test jaundice levels, which came back normal.
First photo shoot at 4 days old
So to wrap up week one, we made it through! It was hard and we were paranoid parents at times, but we made it. And by the end of the week, we were feeling more confident in our parenting skills.
We had many visitors the first week.
Zac, Brittany, and Cael
Steven and Maria
Tarah came over and took some mermaid pictures!
Cousins- Kaylyn and Chloee
Uncle Ben and Aunt Mindy
Ryan and Amanda
Week 2: August 26-September 2
We made our first trip out (other than going to the doctor) to visit with our friends who had a baby the same day Kyla was born.
Me holding Lily and Brittany holding Kyla
Matt returned to work this week. I was nervous to be home by myself the first day, but once again, we made it through the day without any issues. We continued to have lots of visitors so that helped me stay sane and gave me some adult interaction. I spent most of my days holding Kyla, nursing, and relaxing in the recliner, allowing my body to recover. I tried to take it easy, but I couldn't help but try to keep the house clean during the baby's naps.
Gpa and Nana Price came back over for Labor Day weekend. We ventured out to eat, going to the mall, and Kyla's first visit to church.
Baby wearing at the mall
Matt and Dad worked on house projects, including building a wall and hanging a door to create a walk through closet in the master bedroom. They did a great job and didn't even kill each other by the end! My parents also filled a hole in the entry way wall and repainted the area. I am so grateful to have such generous, helpful parents.
By the end of week 2, we were getting longer stretches of sleep at night. Kyla would now feed right before bed, then sleep for 3-4 hours at a time, then repeat. She sleeps in the bassinet part of the Pack and Play next to our bed for most of the night. After her feeding around 3:00 am, if she will not settle back down, I let her lay in bed next to me until she falls asleep. Sometimes she goes back to her bed, and sometimes, well, you know.
As far as my recovery, most of the heavy bleeding and soreness has gone away by two weeks postpartum. I started feeling a little more normal and no longer needed to use the witch hazel pads, squirt bottle, or large pads. I was still taking one motrin a day for breast tenderness and general body soreness.
Breastfeeding became much easier by the end of week two. I no longer needed to use nipple shields to let them recover. Latching was going well and it only hurt for a second when she would latch. She still falls asleep while feeding, but is getting much better at staying alert for longer periods of time.
I also managed to squeeze in a newborn photoshoot when she was ten days old. I tried to snap as many pictures as I could while she was out cold. I had fun!
And that wraps up the last two weeks! It has been a crazy ride but worth all the pain and tears. I do not miss being pregnant. I love having my baby here in my arms! She is such a sweetie and gets cuter every day. Her Daddy (the one who has always said he's "not a baby person") has often been caught gazing into her eyes and cooing over her. We are just smitten. I feel like my life is complete now that I am a Mommy.
Loving his baby
Daddy snuggle time
Two weeks old
Little peely hands
One of the "daily pics" I send to Mom, Dad, and Krista