My baby is already one month old!
I am finally understanding the concept of "time flies". While it certainly didn't feel like time was flying by when I was pregnant, the past month went by in a blur.
Kyla is really good at three things.
Eat. Sleep. Play.
Favorite things:
Sitting up on shoulder
Bath time
We are trying to develop a pattern with our feeding times, but most of the time I just watch for her cues to let me know what she needs.
Lately what has been happening is she will eat every 3-4 hours all day and night. Depending on how tired she is, she will sometimes fall asleep while she's eating, then wake up, do a diaper change, and eat again. Then she will usually either fall asleep or be awake for a while and just look around after feeding time. At night, I have been feeding her around 11:00, then swaddling her up and putting her to bed when we go to bed. She will usually fall right asleep until about 3 or 4 am. Then I get up and feed and change her, then put her back in her swaddle to sleep until Dad gets up around 6:30. She will usually wake up for another feeding or just to cuddle with me in bed for an hour or so until she gets hungry again. Then we get up for the day or take a nap on the couch depending on how much sleep we got through the night.
Kyla's favorite "toy" is her swing. She loves to just look around while she swings away. She often falls asleep for naps in there, which is fine by me.
She will also tolerate the bouncy chair for a small period of time before she gets bored.
Sounds boring, but that's about all she does all day! She also gets some tummy time in every day either propped up on her boppy or on the bed/couch/floor. She will tolerate it for about 5 minutes, but after that she gets tired and fussy.
Oh and we love our play dates with our other baby friend, Lily!
Kyla's one month old photo shoot
How long will she fit in the laundry basket? Probably not too much longer!
Love the pic with Cooper! And look at that belly already! I can't believe she's a month old.