It was a lovely weekend with a little sunshine included!
Friday night, we went to Mr. Lee's (a fine Chinese dining restaurant) with our friends Jon and Holly. I tried a soup called Seafood Velvet Soup and it was quite delicious and smooth. Not much meat to it so I left feeling satisfied but far from full. I usually have cashew chicken or crab rangun but opted for a healthier choice this time.

Saturday was a glorious day to sleep in! I got some laundry done and hit the elliptical. By 3:30, we were on the road to Columbus to see Winter Jam with Krista and Dan.

We figured that arriving an hour before the show would be plenty of time to find a good seat, but unfortunately the traffic was so slow filtering into the parking lots that we ended up missing half of Matt's favorite band, RED.
The rest of the show was great. It was a good mix of bands. We probably would have preferred harder rock bands, but we were pleasantly surprised by the addition of Michael Tate to the Newsboys. We slipped out of the arena a few minutes early to beat the 10,000 people who would be leaving at the same time.
And Sunday funday today has been relaxing. We went to church and then hit up Panera for a yummy lunch. Came home and took very long naps. With such a good weekend, I'm refreshed and ready to start a new work week.
Friday night, we went to Mr. Lee's (a fine Chinese dining restaurant) with our friends Jon and Holly. I tried a soup called Seafood Velvet Soup and it was quite delicious and smooth. Not much meat to it so I left feeling satisfied but far from full. I usually have cashew chicken or crab rangun but opted for a healthier choice this time.

Saturday was a glorious day to sleep in! I got some laundry done and hit the elliptical. By 3:30, we were on the road to Columbus to see Winter Jam with Krista and Dan.

We figured that arriving an hour before the show would be plenty of time to find a good seat, but unfortunately the traffic was so slow filtering into the parking lots that we ended up missing half of Matt's favorite band, RED.
The rest of the show was great. It was a good mix of bands. We probably would have preferred harder rock bands, but we were pleasantly surprised by the addition of Michael Tate to the Newsboys. We slipped out of the arena a few minutes early to beat the 10,000 people who would be leaving at the same time.
And Sunday funday today has been relaxing. We went to church and then hit up Panera for a yummy lunch. Came home and took very long naps. With such a good weekend, I'm refreshed and ready to start a new work week.