Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Beginning

Hello! My name is Amy. I'm 23 years old and live in Dayton, Ohio. I work at a dental office just down the street from my house. I live with my husband, Matt, and our toy poodle, Cookie. This has been my life for more than a year now and I can't complain. I have a roof over my head, a job that pays the bills, and food on the table.

Sometimes I get the urge to write down my thoughts and share them with the world. I guess that's why they invented blogs, right? So here goes my first (second if you count Xanga) attempt at becoming a blogger.

Watch out, world wide web.


  1. Amalia - I am delighted to discover that you have decided to begin a blog. I look forward to learning from you world...married life & all!! Love!

  2. yay! i get to learn all about your life! i'm not so good at keeping up w/it, but my blog is seekingglory.blogspot.com. enjoy! miss you and love you! -angela
