Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting in Shape

How do you stay in shape?

Lately (ok...longer than lately) I have been drinking a Coke a day and eating whatever I want. Oh, and that elliptical I HAD to have about three months ago?.........................well..........................

It's time to get in shape. I'm the type of person that has to set goals in order to stay motivated. So here I am, writing down my goals in hopes that you will keep me accountable.

When I was on the I'm-getting-married-so-i-have-to-look-so-hot-for-my-husband diet, I worked hard. Not even gonna lie about that. But I was also unemployed and living at home with my parents for about six months, so I did not have an excuse to not be getting in the best shape of my life. Thank God for the treadmill and Jillian Michaels. I worked out almost every day. I counted calories. I drank tons of water and only allowed myself 1-2 cans of soda per week. And...yes, I met my goals and it felt SO good.

It's time to get off the couch and get back to work. I will be the first to admit that it's easier said than done, but when it comes to health, I truly believe we need to take care of our bodies. It's hard to break habits, but its worth it in the end. I never felt better than I did a year ago. I could run for miles and not be out of breath. I had energy that lasted all day. And I certainly did not depend on caffeine to keep me going. It's time to start feeling good again. Going to bed feeling very motivated. Good night, all!

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