Sunday, November 30, 2014

Baby #2 - 11 Weeks

Who's ready for another round of pregnancy updates??
We are so excited to announce that we are expecting Baby Focht #2 around June 22, 2015.

Don't worry, Kyla!  You are going to get a baby brother or sister to play with soon!

Let's catch up from the beginning...

On October 13, I took a home pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE!
Matt was actually home that night (surprise, because he has been working crazy hours this time of year) and I just couldn't contain my excitement.  I told him right away.  " you think it's a boy or a girl?"  To which he said something along the lines of...well you have to be pregnant first!  To which I replied, I AM!!! Go look at the test!

Leading up to this point....I had only had three periods since having Kyla.  I weaned her at 13 months and BAM - got pregnant that month!  It was pretty exciting because I didn't really know if we would have difficulty getting pregnant again with having one less ovary now, but the doctor is right.  One ovary is just as good as two.

My first doctor's appointment would not be until I was 10 weeks.  So I basically had to wait until my pregnancy symptoms kicked in (and boy did they!) until I truly believed I was pregnant.

Weeks 4 and 5 - I felt AWESOME!  No sickness, no aversions, not really that tired yet either.  I truly cherished those weeks because I knew if this pregnancy was anything like the last one, I would be feeling it at about 6 weeks.

Weeks 6, 7, 8, and 9 - MORNING SICKNESS!!!! They should really call it all day sickness.  The first few days weren't horrible, but the further along I got, the less food I could keep down.  At one point around week 9, I was throwing up almost the entire weekend.  I think I might have had a touch of food poisoning or the flu because it was just bad.  During these weeks, I laid on the couch a lot.  Kyla is very well acquainted with Daniel Tiger now.  Many days I just laid on the couch with my puke bucket and tried to eat some crackers and drink ginger ale.  And then one all just disappeared!

Week 10 - Thanksgiving
As soon as I hit 10 weeks, I felt like a new woman.  I wasn't even throwing up when I first got up nor was I having any types of aversions.  It was awesome!  I still don't know if I'm in the clear yet as I just had some morning sickness today, but man that week of feeling great was just what I needed.

Week 11 - Currently....
I am sleeping great!  Not even getting up to go to the bathroom yet.
I'm not really having any cravings right now.
I have some energy back!
No symptoms really other than the occassional wave of nausea.

November 26 - First Dr. Appointment
I saw Kat, one of the midwives.  She was older and very sweet.
I had a breast exam, pelvic exam, pap, checked the heartbeat, etc.
I will also need to go to a lab for blood work sometime soon.
Easy appointment.  Next time (December 29) they plan to do an ultrasound to make sure my ovary is looking good.

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