Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kyla's Half Birthday (6 Month Update)


My, how time has flown by these past six months.  It's hard to believe that 6 months ago, my baby was sleeping 24/7 and could fit in the crook of my arm.  Times have certainly changed!

At 6 months, Kyla is: 15 lbs 6 oz and 27 inches long. (Had her 6 month check up on February 25)
Wearing: 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers


ROLLING OVER - Kyla can roll over like a pro now.  She started rolling over consistently one day out of the blue right after she turned 5 month old.  

SITTING UP (assisted) - She is doing great at a wobbly sitting up.  I will sit her up then prop her up a little bit with the boppy and she loves to sit and play with a toy like that.
LAUGHING - She laughs when you tickle her, especially under her armpits and on her bare belly.  Sometimes she even laughs if I look at her funny or make a silly noise.

SMILING - Kyla is such a smiley girl.  She will just give you a big grin if you even look at her.

ATTACHMENT - I have noticed that she now has an "I want Mommy" cry.  She gets really whiny and starts reaching for me.  Although this is heart warming to me, it is quite annoying to anyone else.

TALKING - No, she does not use words yet but she certainly has developed her own language.  She will just go on and on with a screechy sound with her mouth wide open.  It often times involves kicking her legs wildly while doing so.

SLEEPING - She has slept through the night a few times, but it is still unpredictable.  Most of the time she at least gives us a 5 hour stretch, then up to eat, then back down for a couple more hours until she's ready to play.

TEETH - No teeth yet, but she certainly shows signs like drooling and chewing on her hands like crazy.

FOOD - We started solids this month.  We have tried peas, carrots, avocado, sweet potatoes, and green beans.  She did not enjoy peas.  (But it was also her first food so that might have had something to do with her pushing the food back out with her tongue.)  Everything else she has been a fan of.  Sweet potatoes were yummy, but I'm pretty sure they make her belly ache so we will hold off on those for a while.  We will probably start some fruits soon, but I wanted to make sure she liked veggies before starting anything sweet. 

OUR SCHEDULE: Times are not set in stone.  Kyla has pretty much put herself on this schedule.  She wakes up and is happy for two hours until she starts rubbing her eyes and getting grouchy.  Just recently her naps have gone from being exactly one hour to now almost exactly two hours per nap. 

8:00-9:00 : Up for the day, nurse, change diaper
9:00-10:30 : Play time in exersaucer, walker, bouncy seat, play mat, and door jumper.  While she entertains herself for a while, I usually pump, have my coffee, and watch the Kelly and Michael show.
10:30-12:30 : Morning nap (usually 2 hours)
12:30 : Wake up, nurse, change clothes/diaper
1:00-3:00 : More play time
3:00 : Afternoon nap
5:00 : Wake up, nurse
5:00-6:00 : Play
6:00 : Eat solids
6:30 : Short nap
7:00 - 9:00 : Nurse, play with Daddy, hang out in the living room
9:00-10:00 : Get ready for bed
10:00-?? Changes night to night when she wakes up for a snack.  Still looking forward to her sleeping through the night!!

Taking her 6 month pictures was much more difficult!
This picture shows why...she is so interested in EVERYTHING!

Here are some Valentine's Day pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Cookie looks girly in that outfit! haha. And Kyla is getting cuter every day. And that is a fantastic family photo! I love it. So taking after Aunt Krista and not liking peas!
