Hi Everyone! Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
This Thanksgiving, I had the pleasure of hosting the big event at our house here in Ohio. That meant a 5 hour drive for Mom and Dad and a 9 hour drive for Krista and Dan. Yikes! But they all made it here safe and sound and we had a great time together eating, playing games, eating, shopping, shopping, and just hanging out. Here are some pictures from our first Thanksgiving in Ohio. Enjoy!

Matt and I on Thanksgiving morning.
A view from the kitchen, looking out into the front yard. The maple tree has almost shed all its leaves and the pumpkin was almost rotten, but I don't care! It captures the beauty of fall and the change in seasons.
Too many cooks in the kitchen??

Matt pulling out the turkey innards. Having way too much fun doing so, I might add.
Not sure how hard Krista and Dan were working...
Mom's finished product: the world's best rolls! OOOH my...they are heaven in your mouth. I might have eaten one for breakfast the next morning, they are just that good.
The ladies, enjoying the delicious turkey spread.
Yum yum!!!

Our newest family photo. Somehow Cookie even managed to make an appearance.
So that was our Thanksgiving, in a nutshell. I'll save the Black Friday shopping for a different post, it was just THAT exciting. (sarcasm...because it was a nightmare)