Howdy Y'all!
I'm back again for a second round of What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie.
I'm loving my sweet flower necklace from Target
I'm loving me some red nail polish
I'm loving this amazing weather we're having. Ahh such a nice change from the 90's we've had for two months.

I'm loving cooking out on the grill. We had tilapia and broccoli for dinner last night and it was so light and refreshing. (Matt did not enjoy the lightness factor. He is more of a meat and potatoes kinda guy but thanks for grilling for us anyway sweetie!) This plate below looks delish. Ours didn't quite look like that. We just dipped it in butter and lemon pepper and grilled em up.

I'm loving browsing for "healthy dessert recipes" online. I'm weary of trying some that have no butter or sugar 'cuz let's face it, that's what makes cookies, cakes, muffins (anything really) so delicious. Check out this rainbow cake. If it's this colorful and pretty, it must be healthy right???

I'm loving my little fur baby. Unfortunately for him, Cookie will no longer be a masculine dog by this time next week. At one point, I thought it would be cool to get another dog and breed some cute little fluffy puppies but we decided that it would be way too much work since we both work full time. Maybe if I'm a stay at home mom someday, we will revisit the idea of dog breeding. Plus I doubt that I could give away any puppies after I raise them for their first 6-8 weeks of life. "Honey, can we please keep all of them??" Yeah...what am I even thinking???
Hope you are having a fabulous Wednesday. I'm off to go read/catnap in the sun room.